Back in April 2018 a contingent from Princethorpe journeyed to Hong Kong to meet with pupils who had boarded at the College from the late 1960s through to the 1990s. It was a very successful trip. The main focus of the visit was the Development Reunion Dinner held at the prestigious Hong Kong Club.
The College put together various memorabilia to remind everyone of their time at Princethorpe, including a very special film titled ‘Greetings from Princethorpe’, which featured former and long-standing members of staff, Peter Griffin, Bernie Moroney, Lou Skiffington, Alex Darkes and Sean Philpott all reminiscing about the Hong Kong pupils and sending their greetings to the assembled throng. Hearing all their familiar voices brought a smile to everyone’s faces. You can view the film if you follow the link below:
The OP community in Hong Kong was delighted to be reminded of times past and we hope you enjoy the footage and images as well.