We welcomed the Class of 2024 and pupils from across the school to our annual Prize Giving on Friday 22 November at the Butterworth Hall at the Warwic… More...
This year's Bluebells And Brunch was a friendly catch up with former and current Princethorpians over a delicious brunch, a tour of the school, follow… More...
Princethorpe’s Prize Giving Ceremony took place at the Butterworth Hall, at Warwick University’s Arts Centre on Friday 24 November. More...
This year's London Meet took place at The Clachan on Kingly Street, a unique pub rich in history and character. More...
This year's OPs vs College Sports Day took place on Saturday 31 August. More...
The sun shone to welcome our OPs to the Summer Supper Reunion on Friday 28 June 2024. A record number of OPs, representing the 1960s to the present, g… More...
Marc Marot shares the highs and lows of his self-professed ‘serendipitous’ career. More...
We had a great turn out of OPs, current and former members of staff at the Leamington Pub Meet on Friday 8 March. More...
The Riverside was the venue for this year's OPs London Meet on Friday 29 September. More...
We were delighted to welcome the 'Old Girls' from St Mary's Priory back to Princethorpe. More...